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You are invited…


… to St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, at 8 Locks Road in Dartmouth, for an in-person service on the last Sunday of the three summer months: 

beginning this Sunday, 27 June, then 25 July, and 29 August, 2021.


Service will begin at 10 am, but you are asked to come earlier to complete the Nova Scotia Public Health procedures before being seated.  Mask and social distancing will be required, and only the bread element of Eucharist will be offered for this Sunday’s service, 27 June. 


Parish members will be contacted this week by phone to find out if you are planning to attend and with whom.  As with recent in-person services, there will be limited, assigned seating, with a maximum of 35 individuals in the church.   Due to limited seating, pre-booking your spot is required. If you are on the Parish call list, you can make your reservation when you are called.




If you are not on the Parish list, please call and reserve a seat, from the seats available once parish members have been assigned seating.


In time, the protocols for in-person services will be altered if and when the NS Public Health alters Covid-related restrictions.


We are looking forward to seeing you and worshipping together again!


Your Worship Committee

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