November 1... everyday I am thankful for that, but it is more evident at special events and celebrations such as this in Old Crow. I only had five (5) visitors come to see me for treats, that was a little disappointing, over the years I had become accustomed to lots and lots of little visitors in all kinds of shapes and descriptions coming on their rounds, and enjoyed that custom immensely. At 7 pm, last night, in the cultural center some wonderful people put on a masquerade party for, not only the children, but for the entire community and there was a wonderful turnout. They even have a van utilized to go and transport any of the elders who might not be able otherwise to attend. How cool is that, respect for elders is the order of the day. Anyway, back to celebrating, there were some fabulous costumes, some even dressed in the old traditional Gwitchin, really beautiful…and surprise, surprise my camera was at home, I need to start carrying a small one with me all the time, seems when I least expect a picture opportunity, that’s when it happens. At the party, there were costume parades and judging for best, top three, costumes for ages from babies to ages most of us don’t talk about and they were marvelous, creative and fun. We have a couple male teachers who are all energy and a hoot to watch in a party situation. When I grew up, it was usually girls who danced “the twist”, “jive” and an assortment of others, probably why I have two left feet today, but these guys were so much fun and never stopped. I have to be honest, I dressed as a clown, obviously, we don’t have the same concerns about clowns as other “southern, eastern” communities have experienced. I didn’t win anything for my costume, but I won a door prize. For those who know me, you will understand the irony of this, I am now the proud owner of a wonderful “hair dryer”, what on earth am I going to do with that…it may get re-gifted. On a cold, dark night, Old Crow came to life and was the beautiful, diverse community that it should be. I am blessed and privileged to be permitted to live amongst these wonderful, creative people of the north…everyday, my blessing are beyond number.
One a slightly different note, we have the go ahead to begin preparations to build the new church, in Old Crow, next year, an addition much needed and anticipated by the residents…God is Good!!!
Once again, have a wonderful blessed day, a single kindness can reach far beyond where you could hope or image. Rev. Bert
October 16... theologian by any stretch of the imagination, I let nature and God take care of those details. I couldn't help but take note that the Old Testament reading in Genesis when God renames Jacob to Israel, he shows patience and persistence and determination, Even though he suffers from a limp the rest of his days his persistence paid off and he looked in the face of God, the big deal is, he lived. The Psalm is one we memorized as children in Sunday School, Psalm 121 KGV, "I lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my strength. My strenght cometh from the Lord", What greater declaration could we possibly make, he gives us the strength, ability and persistence to carry on. I think it is interesting that in the Gospel, Luke 18, again points out persistence, the judge had no intention of giving the widow justice, but because of her persistence and to get rid of her, he choose to give her justice. Isn't that interesting. I sit here this morning realizing that we have made movements forward with regard to the new church in Old Crow and a plan is in the works so that the community will be able, with Gods help and through their persistence to realize that goal. These people have been struggling for more than five (5) years now wanting and waiting for a new church building, and it will be the community's church long after I am gone, how cool is that. What more could we hope for, not asking for a great deal, just the opportunity to be about the business we need to be about and persistent in our lives about how we recognize God's presence, because it manifests itself differently in us all. God Bless, have a wonderful Sunday, I know I will. Rev. Bert